Non Invasive Prenatal DNA Test.
How to get Private Paternity DNA Testing in San Diego.
If you want to get discreet and affordable DNA testing in San Diego, there aren't too many options out there. This is why our company is now available in San Diego as well as thousands of other locations. We at 23DNA help provide people from all walks of life with DNA answers when they need them.
Our DNA testing process is easy, private and very affordable. Once you take the samples our labs will analyze them to determine the most accurate results that are possible. Our private paternity DNA testing in San Diego is popular for a reason. We offer the best customer service and competitive pricing.

If paternity DNA testing in San Diego is something you have been putting off, consider changing your life now! We can help you get the results on paper so you can do what you need to with them. Your paternity test results will come back quickly so you no longer have to wonder.